Housing and Environment
A vibrant archipelago, soothing nature and lush countryside. Kimitoön offers many housing and property options for those who wish to live in one of the most beautiful parts of Finland.
Housing and lots in Kimitoön
The municipality offers various of lots for sale for those who plan to build their own house. Furthermore, the municipality’s subsidiaries, Kimitobacken and Dalsbostäder, offer apartments for rent.
Other websites that offer apartments for sale or for rent: Lokal1.fi(go to external website), Etuovi.com(go to external website), Oikotie.fi(go to external website), Vuokraovi.com(go to external website)
It’s easy to get to Kimitoön by public transport from Helsinki, Turku and Salo. Most bus timetables to and from Kimitoön can be viewed on the Matkahuolto or Seutu+ (Turku area) portals.
Tickets can be bought through both websites. Good end stops for your search on the site are for instance Kasnäs, Dalsbruk (Taalintehdas in Finnish) and Kimito (Kemiö in Finnish).
There are several ferries connecting the mainland and the archipelago.
There is usually no cost for tourists to travel by boat or ferry, except in the case of commercial cruises and cargo vessels. At saaristolautat.fi you can easily find routes and timetables for both free ferries and cruises for which you pay.
Social and health services
Varha is responsible for organizing social and health services and rescue operations from January 1, 2023. The county is made up of 27 municipalities, a hospital district, special care services and rescue services.
Waste management
Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH) is a company owned by 18 municipalities. On behalf of these municipalities, LSJH takes care of organising the residents’ waste management and waste disposal advice.
Report a problem to the municipality
Is something not right in a public area? Report it to the municipality! Use our online service to report issues concerning:
- Road maintenance and streetlights
- Public buildings, playgrounds, beaches, parks and recreational facilities
Use the plus sign to get started. Place the marker on the map (choose “Report problem here”) so we can find the right area. Describe the problem and fill out your email adress (not shown on the map), that way we can get back to you with an answer. Thank you for reporting!
For water problems contact Kimitoöns Vatten / Kemiönsaaren Vesi.
- 044 335 6877