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Education and Learning

Early childhood education and schools

Early childhood education services are available in daycare centers and family daycare. Daycare centers in Kimitoön:

Preschool children, i.e. 6-year-olds, participate in free preschool education organised by the municipality. Preschools in Kimitoön:

Compulsory education of a child who lives permanently in Finland begins in the year they turn seven. Basic education is free of charge. There five Swedish language two Finnish language basic schools where basic education is arranged in Kimitoön:

Daycare, preschool and school enrolment

Registration form in English and Ukrainian / Реєстрація дитини на: Дошкільну освіту/ Дитячий садок/ Школу

If you need assistance, contact / У разі якщо Вам потрібна допомога

Riikka Kallio
Office secretary
+358 40 6529 592