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Try out Ballet or Hiphop

- - o'clock
Amospuiston koulu / Amosparkens skola
Edvin Widen tie, 25700 Kemiö
Musiikkiopisto Arkipelag / Musikinstitutet Arkipelag
044 762 5554

Would ballet or hiphop be a hobby to your liking? Try them out!

Thursday, Amospuiston koulu
16.15–17.15 Hiphop for over 10 year olds
17.15–18.15 Balet for 7–10 year olds
18.15–19.15 Adultballet

The classes begin from basics so you don’t need any previous experience. If you´re not sure if the classes will suit you, you can try them out. The fee will not be charged if you cancel your spot before the fourth class.

Spring term 8.1–27.5.2024.
Book your spot by calling 044 292 1508.

Welcome to a wonderful hobby!