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I fäälan: Mats Granfors & Kenneth Nordman

- o'clock
Ullman's Villa
Huvilantie 1, 25900 Taalintehdas
Spelmän ohoj ry

Kenneth Nordman and Mats Granfors from I fäälan offer a concert in Ullman’s Villa. I fäälan, which was named Folk Music Band of the Year 2024, follows in the footsteps of the fiddlers and their music, which is emphasised by the dialect word ‘I fäälan’ (in the footsteps). The band has managed to highlight the Finnish-Swedish polska and minuet tradition, both old and new, with a fresh and professional approach, without forgetting the fiddler’s mood.

Dinner can also be enjoyed at Ullman’s Villa, reservations must be made at least two days before the event. Villa’s bouillabaisse with aioli or archipelago whitefish soup with flowers, served with foccaccia. Price €21. Booking: ullmans.villa@gmail.com